Sunday, September 4, 2016

Conceptual vs Procedural Understanding

Preparing our students for authentic problem solving

How do we make mathematic education accessible for students?
How are students encourage and able to apply mathematical processes in authentic, problem solving situations?

Quick recap- Boaler observed and researched behavior of teacher and student in two different classroom settings. The first, where student's math education was based on procedural understanding, and the second, built on conceptual understanding. I tracked the differences between the two settings below:

Findings suggest that authentic, self-directed, project-based learning teaches the skills that allow students to think critically and apply mathematical knowledge to new contexts


1. Willingness and ability to perceive and interpret different situations and develop meaning from them and relation to them
2. A sufficient understanding of the procedures to allow appropriate procedures to be selected
3. A mathematical confidence that enabled students to adapt and change procedures to fit new situations

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