What happens to inquiry learning if the teacher does not meet these role requirements?
If the educator does not complete their role in the learning process, how does student's inquiry suffer?
Inquiry based learning
occurs with the establishment and development of an inclusive classroom
environment. Inclusion create a safe place to learn.
- recognize, respect, and incorporate student's prior knowledge and experiences
- comfort to take risks
- consider academic/social strengths and weaknesses of individual learners
- focus on the process skills
- reflection and development of the community- what works? what doesn't?
But what happens when this inclusive community is not established?
The focus of learning shifts from the process to the answer.
Inquiry without a supported community is superficial. Students who are not comfortable to ask questions and take risks cannot achieve higher order process skills and are forced back into the habit of simply problem solving to find one correct answer.
I think that this idea of an inclusive classroom reaches past just teaching with a culturally relevant perspective. Or, perhaps the idea of inclusion is locked within this theory. When I think of a culturally relevant classroom, I think of a place where all students are recognized and respected as learners. This does not necessary mean in a diverse setting where students have various backgrounds. Any classroom, regardless of the student demographics, must be inclusive of all learners with varied strengths, weaknesses, and experiences. This is true culturally relevant teaching, and the heart of the environment necessary for inquiry based learning of successfully occur.
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